Newman College in Chadderton pledges support to the Armed Forces community

February 27, 2017
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(left to right) Lt Col Glyn Potts, Deputy Head Teacher Newman College and Deputy Commandant GMACF; Mr Michael McGhee, Head Teacher Newman College; Col Mark Underhill, Chief Executive NW RFCA; and, Vicky Doran, Regional Employer Engagement Director NW RFCA.

Blessed John Henry Newman RC College, a coeducational Roman Catholic secondary school in Chadderton, Greater Manchester, has pledged its support to the Armed Forces community by signing the Armed Forces Covenant.

The Armed Forces Covenant is a pledge that together we acknowledge and understand that those who serve or who have served in the Armed Forces, and their families, should be treated with fairness and respect in the communities, economy and society they serve.

The Covenant was signed on behalf of Newman College by Head Teacher Mr Michael McGhee with Col Mark Underhill, Chief Executive of the North West of England and the Isle of Man Reserve Forces’ and Cadets’ Association (NW RFCA), on behalf of Defence.

Newman College has a well-established relationship with the local Army Cadet detachment which is based at the school. Newman College was formed in 2011 with closure of the two predecessor Catholic Schools in the town: Our Lady’s in Royton and St Augustine’s in Werneth. The Army Cadet detachment was originally opened in the predecessor school of Our Lady’s in 2009 and the college took this venture forward into its new building as ‘jewel’ in the provision for young people. In 2009, the school offered the CVQO accredited BTEC in Teamwork and Personal Skills as an option to engage disaffected learners, and offered 15 students the opportunity to participate in Army Cadets instead of selecting a modern foreign language. Within two months the trial students had increased attendance, reduced behaviour incidents and developed a sense of pride in their school and in themselves.

The Army Cadet detachment currently comprises around 30 cadets, and the school has employed eight Cadet Force Adult Volunteers to support the programme as well as other roles within the school, many of whom have undertaken training courses to become fully qualified teachers during their Cadet service. The college recognises not only the benefit to young people that the Cadet Forces offer; but also the skills and qualities that veterans and Cadet Force volunteers bring to their community.

Michael McGhee, Head Teacher Newman College, said: “Army Cadets offers opportunities for young people to reach beyond traditional educational offers. We’re proud to support the Army Cadets and the wider Armed Forces Community. The school has hosted the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal Awards twice in the past few years, and we look forward to continuing to support the Cadet organisations and the Services in the North West.”

Col Mark Underhill, NW RFCA, said: “By signing the Armed Forces Covenant, Newman College is pledging ongoing support to the Armed Forces family, encompassing Veterans, Cadets, Reservists, Cadet Force Adult Volunteers and their employers. There is much to be gained on both sides from a partnership between Defence and the business community, and we look forward to further opportunities to collaborate in the future.”

Lt Col Glyn Potts, Deputy Head Teacher Newman College and Deputy Commandant of Greater Manchester Army Cadets, said: “The partnership between Newman College and Greater Manchester ACF has brought great benefits to both sides; many Cadets have accessed university and employment on the back of their cadet work, and I’m also delighted to have seen Adult Volunteers with Greater Manchester ACF gain experience, qualifications and employment with Newman College. The college is also hugely supportive of the dependents of servicemen and women, including pupils and spouses employed by the school. As a school we don’t see the support we provide as anything more than our duty as members of the local community.”

For more information about the Armed Forces Covenant, visit