Navy Reservist marks Trafalgar Night “cruise ship style”

January 10, 2017

Lt Phil Roberts from Merseyside’s HMS EAGLET marked the traditional annual Trafalgar Night in style this year when he hosted the event aboard the P&O cruise ship Arcadia. 

Phil started his deck officer cadetship with Carnival UK in January 2016 and will spend the next three years alternating between Warsash Maritime College and sea training.  Disappointed to miss out on the festivities at Naval Regional Command Northern England in Liverpool, Phil seized the opportunity to celebrate “Traf Night” and promote the RNR whilst sailing past the Cape of Trafalgar with his Merchant Navy colleagues (six of whom are ex-RN). 

The RNR inspired Phil to pursue a career at sea, and to repay the favour he will be arranging RNR recruitment events at maritime colleges on his return.

HMS EAGLET is the Naval Reservist unit based at the Naval Regional Command Northern England, East Brunswick Dock on the Mersey.