Press release from Armycadets.com:
The whole Army Cadet family has been blown away by the initiative and kindness shown by Cheshire ACF Cadet, Christopher Johnson.
Finding himself with more time on his hands, he used his initiative and skills to do something productive; using a 3D printer to make protective face masks for frontline medical professionals in the NHS who each day put themselves at risk to help others.

Inspired by his Aunt, Joanne Eccles, a Senior Nurse at Royal Preston Hospital and CFAV, Christopher set up a Go Fund Me page to help cover costs of materials to produce more masks to help as many people as possible.
After hearing about Christopher’s project, National Honorary Colonel Lorraine Kelly, invited Christopher and Joanne onto her show via SKYPE yesterday morning (Wednesday 8 April) and was visibly moved by what he is doing. Full interview here.
Joanne, who is Deputy Commandant for Lancashire ACF, said “What we try to do within the ACF is not just teach the Cadets the military skills, but also try and get them to take on leadership roles, realise who they are and how they can have a positive impact by taking that step back, reviewing the situation in front of them and seeing how they can make a positive difference to whatever the situation is.
“That is exactly what Chris has done here with these visors. He has reviewed what was going on in the World around him and go on to make a positive impact.”
Originally with a target of £500, Christopher has now raised over £2,500 and has purchased a second 3D printer which he has said he is going to donate to his local primary school to support STEM projects after the pandemic has passed.
Deputy Commander Cadets, Brigadier Mark Christie OBE said “What Christopher is doing is truly incredible. At a time when many other young people his age might be struggling to find things to do, he’s using his time and skills to help those working hard to protect us in the NHS. His efforts to do good and help others is something we see time and again within the Army Cadets and he must be applauded for going above and beyond.”
If you would like to donate towards Christopher’s project, please follow the link here to his Go Fund Me Page.
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