North West university Officer Cadets on parade


Saturday ­­­24 March represented a proud moment in the bourgeoning military careers of 50 North West Officer Training Regiment’s university Officer Cadets. They marched out on parade at Altcar Training Camp, Merseyside, in front of their parents, led by the Duke of Lancaster’s Regimental Band. The parade was the culmination of over six months Module Alpha basic military training. Over the previous seven training weekends they had to master all aspects of military life from comprehending a whole new rank structure and foot drill to Skill at Arms training and field exercises. For some it had been easier than others but by the end of their training they had all met the required standard and could enjoy their moment as the band played them out to the Colonel Bogey march.

Following the parade the families of the new Officer Cadets had a chance to get to grips with the activities that their sons and daughters had tackle whilst in the University Officer Training Corps. Parents were seen walking around the area in “too much, too little and just right” cam-cream following a field craft lesson, and were impressed by the grit and determination of the assault course demonstrations team, some of whom had to run the demo over 12 times for the benefit of the parents.

When not out getting green and dirty with the Officer Cadets, or watching others do so, the parents and Module Alphas has an opportunity to look round recruitment stalls for the various Reserve regiments in the North West and to see where their Army Reserve careers could lead them. It was another day in the life of the British Army but the start of Army life for the next generation of potential British Army officers.

Reserve Forces